
Showing posts from May, 2009

Days 13 - 15: My Old Kentucky Home Away From Home

Days 11 - 13: Kentucky Mixed Plate - The Ups and Downs of Appalachia

Day Ten - The Weapons of Southwestern VA: Killer Hills and Guns

Day Nine - What A Difference A Rest Day Makes: Blacksburg to Sugar Grove VA

Shhh, It's Sleeping! - A Quick Word About Fauna (Updated)

Days 6 - 8: C + Hill = Chill - Lexington to Catawba to Blacksburg

Another Chunk - i'm beyond this now...

Day 5 - Monstrous, O Monstrous! The Hills and Storms of Central Virginia!

Day Four - There goes the C'ville town drunk again (updated)

I Confess! I Confess!

From Natalie to Jinx - the first three days

Day 3 - The carrot dangled at the end of the road is Donny

Pardon me fer droppin' off fer a bit!

Day Two: Ah Jist Cain't Hay-ulp Mah Say-Ulf!

Day one is done: Let Me Rock You Occoquan

All geared up and didn't go...yet (updated)

The Tyranny of Two-Wheel Transport Mechanicism

Butt with two T's